Welcome to Sound Projects

Sound, Noise, Silence, and Music - how do we define them? When we listen to these elements critically, how can we use them in our own work with an awareness of their social and political functions? This course will explore developments in sound art from the early-20th century to the present, to cultivate a critical ear for listening and creating. We will listen to work by artists who have blurred traditional boundaries of music, science, design, fine arts, and philosophy, and read critical writings in cultural studies, sound and media theory.


brian eno, ambient generator

stumbeled upon, maybe interesting:

brian eno created together with peter chilvers a ambient sound generator for the iPhone called "bloom". it is distributed via the itunes store and costs 2,99 €.

here's a youtube clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlnljiPCNAI

more info (in german) here: http://www.de-bug.de/musiktechnik/archives/1889.html
and here: http://futurezone.orf.at/produkte/stories/313681/


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"city sound" competition

there's an autrian competition supported by fm4 and addias, searching for a song only made with sounds recorded in a city. no instruments allowed.

deadlline 17.oktober already, but maybe someone can re-use her soundproject.

prize: 2000 euro

and the link: http://fm4.orf.at/spinfo/224050/main


And We Keep Posting

so hi everybody...these days i was listening to Colleen
Have a look...

as far as i know a great performance in Athens



Boards of Canada

Tobi, here the tracks we have talked about on Monday. It's electronica from about 8 or 10 years ago - but it's still great.

Misc Playlist


here is a playlist that might interest some of you. I have talked to Burcin and Ahmad about the sound artist Colleen and Maile Colbert. This might also be of interest for Efi - in terms of her own experiments. Also works by Olivia Block, a composer/sound artist I greatly appreciate.

Cheers, Petra


Machinic vision {delueze, virilio, others}

The history of philosophy has always been the agent of power in philosophy, and even in thought. It has played the repressors role: how can you think without having read Plato, Descartes, Kant and Heidegger, and so-and-so's book about them? A formidable school of intimidation which manufactures specialists in thought - but which also makes those who stay outside conform all the more to this specialism which they despise. An image of thought called philosophy has been formed historically and it effectively stops people from thinking.
Gilles Deleuze

After Reading six we went into a small discussion involving some contemporary issues around the concept of machine, during that discussion I exerted the terms "machinic" and "mechanic" to explain my point of view about the virtuosity and its relation with musical instruments, I should say that i arrived to this definition some time ago reading to the French post-modernists writers. I found a text that I recommend reading it, for its author present a sum-up of visions around the machine as an abstract key model for an industrial and post industrial society understanding. He called them under the name Machinic vision. He based his work on Virilio, and Delueze. I think for those interested on this topic it is a good option to take a look of this text. By John Johnston
  • It can be downloaded here: http://pktweb.com/drnn1076/mdm/JohnstonMachinicVision99.pdf
We also mentioned several times to Virilio and pointed to him some concepts, here a "nice" and "fast" introduction of some of the Virilio's ideas By David Cook On cTheory.net (a digital-tech_theory journal)
  • Virilio: Politics of Real Time: http://www.ctheory.net/articles.aspx?id=360
I hope you get the time to read'em en el futuro.