Welcome to Sound Projects

Sound, Noise, Silence, and Music - how do we define them? When we listen to these elements critically, how can we use them in our own work with an awareness of their social and political functions? This course will explore developments in sound art from the early-20th century to the present, to cultivate a critical ear for listening and creating. We will listen to work by artists who have blurred traditional boundaries of music, science, design, fine arts, and philosophy, and read critical writings in cultural studies, sound and media theory.


The year with the 13 moons

Hello everybody!

As I already told you in class there is a link where you can find an analysis about the concept and the content of the film.


I have found the scene from the slaughter-house in you tube but it is translated into italian.


I will have the original german film in 2 weeks so if you don´t want to spoil your appetite I will be able to do this triple presentation that I was talking about that will use the original scene,my interpretation (my video) and the audio by itself.

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