Welcome to Sound Projects

Sound, Noise, Silence, and Music - how do we define them? When we listen to these elements critically, how can we use them in our own work with an awareness of their social and political functions? This course will explore developments in sound art from the early-20th century to the present, to cultivate a critical ear for listening and creating. We will listen to work by artists who have blurred traditional boundaries of music, science, design, fine arts, and philosophy, and read critical writings in cultural studies, sound and media theory.


This interests me right now.

This is not an assignment. It's your choice and freedom to listen to this playlist. I enjoyed listening to Ricardo's playlist and as I was reading in The Wire I came across a few artists that I thought might be good to check out, e.g. Maile Colbert. Enjoy!


Indeterminacy in Music ( John Cage )

Hi to all,

I found an interview done with John Cage, very easy to read. Maybe you already know but I hope you enjoy it. He talks about indeterminacy in this interview. Each composer has different perspectives on it as far as i understood. (Cardew, Cage, Stockhausen )

With the shift toward the experimental music period, composers are relinquishing some control of the composition. They create music with the elements of indeterminacy, we can say in some aspect, they are using the chance factor. Thereby, it begins to become so important to what extent the composer generates the randomness and controls the structure.

http://www.fzmw.de/2001/2001T3.htm. ( There is a pdf format of the interview, which is much much better to read.)

Stockhausen In memoriam [playlist]

A small playlist i did to complement my previous contribution to this blog, Karlheinz Stockhausen, his contemporaries ( Webern, Boulez, Varèse), and students (Kraftwerk, Can, Hassell). I hope you do enjoy it.


Philips Pavilion Poeme Electronique, Le Corbusier, Iannis Xenakis, and Edgar Varese, 1958

"Philips Industries commissioned Le Corbusier to build their pavilion for the 1958 World's Fair to be a showcase of their technology. Iannis Xenakis was working for Le Corbusier at the time and ended up designing the building as well as writing music for some of the spaces (Concret P.H.. Le Corbusier designed the visuals for the inside and chose Edgar Var�se to create the music for the main space. It was an extremely complex installation with 350 speakers, all sorts of lights, slide and film projectors, sculpture and more. Xenakis' music and architecture was heavily based on mathematics, especially hyperbolic paraboloid shapes. Edgar Varese worked in Philips then new sound studio in Eindhoven with two full-time technitions to create the main musical piece. Le Corbusier worked with his firm to create the visuals."

get connected to more links about that here:

(source of the text above)

Ligeti - Artikulation

something more from Ligeti, I hope you enjoy

infos about the artist here

a video for the audiovisual appetite here



Pro Tools Workshop

I took these information long time ago, so I'm not really sure if there has been any change

Ulrike Iseberg



Sound Editing “Pro Tools”:

  • Time: Thursdays starting from 6 Dec 07, 14:00 – 17:00
  • Number of lessons: 3
  • Room: 2.12.020


György Ligeti - Poème Symphonique For 100 Metronomes

more connected to the previous reading but have a look or an "ear"
György Ligeti - Poème Symphonique For 100 Metronomes


Der konservative Revolutionär

HI, i found this , unfortunately is just in German but still being interesting.
Just a small excerpt, I hope some can read it. To listen to something just type his name in Last FM you might get some of his compositions.

Von Ralf Dombrowski

Mit gedanklicher Strenge und Präzision avancierte Karlheinz Stockhausen zu einem der wichtigsten Komponisten des 20. Jahrhunderts - und zu einem der streitbarsten. Selbst wenn ihm eine Diskussion zu entgleiten drohte, scheute er nicht zurück.

Es war eine Phase des Neubeginns, in vielfacher Hinsicht. Die Schrecken des Zweiten Weltkriegs und der Diktaturen in Deutschland und der Sowjetunion Stalins hatten die Intellektuellen in tiefe Krisen gestürzt. Zur gedanklichen Verunsicherung der Ästhetik kam die strukturelle des Formalen. Mit dem Sprung ins Atonale, Dissonante, Freie seit den Zwanzigern waren die prägenden Gestaltungsmuster der Musik obsolet geworden. Komponisten suchten nach Auswegen, nach Möglichkeiten, wieder sinnvoll Klang zu formen, ohne in die herkömmlichen funktionsharmonischen Systeme zurückzufallen.


Erste Ansätze gab es seit den frühen Fünfzigern. Die Neue Musik konnte sich über das Serielle definieren. Man dachte in akustischen Reihen im Anschluss an die Zwölftonmusik eines Anton Webern, die die musikalischen Strukturelemente eines Werkes nach vorher festgelegten Gestaltgesetzen ordneten, so dass sich jeder Ton mit möglichst allen seinen Eigenheiten aus dieser gewählten Vorgabe herleiten ließ. Der junge Pierre Boulez und Luigi Nono zum Beispiel arbeiteten bereits daran. Und deren Studienkollege Karlheinz Stockhausen...

The entire article can be read here:


something different but interesting


hear and see:



more videos on youtube


Electronic Music and Electronica

Listening Assignment for Reading 5. PLEASE PRESS THE PLAY BUTTON! Then you will hear the complete pieces.


Meredith Monk/John Cage with Roland Kirk

During the weekend I discovered some artists and very interesting links that I would like to share.
One is the american artist Meredith Monk. It is really amazing how she uses vocals. (it might help Burcin for her project)

Performances and concepts of her in a documentary film of Greenaway in ubu.

and a song I loved assembled only by recordings of her voice
Meredith Monk – Walking Song

and finally a video from John Cage with Roland Kirk that refers to a lot of concepts of our readings.

Enjoy, I feel excited but also lost in sound world...
